अची मिल यार


सिक तुंहिंजी, सुपिरीं!

जिअं तरां तिअं तार

तूं ही रह्यो रूह में,

तूं ई अखिनिआ बार

पिरीं तुंहिंजे पार,

मूं वाझाइंदे वरिह थ्या


घड़ो भगो त घोरियो,

पाणां हो हिजाब

वाजटु वजे वजूद में,

रह्यो रूह रबाब

साहड़ रीअ सवाब,

आऊँ घणोई घोरियां


कारी रात, कचो घड़ो,

नका सीणह साण

विझी वेरम न करे,

पिरियां कारण पाण

मुहब्बत खे महराण,

सुकी सभ पट थियो


अची मिल यार, मेहार
मुं ता कमीनी को न कमायो, रे अल्लाह
पैन्जे सायड़ के तू संभाल
अची मिल यार, मेहार


कच्चो रे मुइंजे करम में
केड़ो डो डीया रे कुम्हार?
अची मिल यार…


लुड़ मिजां लुड़ दी अचां
तरयो नथी जाना, तार
अची मिल यार…


शर्तियुं शाह लतीफ़ चैं
भिट जो गोठ लतीफ़ चैं
उन्हीं के छाल मिलां
अची मिल यार…

Achi Mil Yaar


Sik tuhinji, supireen!

Jeean taraan teean taar

Tu hi rahyo rooh mein,

tu ee akhiniaa baar

Pireen tuhinje paar,

moon vaajhaainde varih thya


Ghado bhago ta ghoriyo,

paanaan ho hijaab

Vaajatu vaje vajood mein,

rahyo rooh rabaab

Saahad ree savaab,

aaun ghanoi ghoriyaan


Kaari raat, kacho ghado,

naka saanah saan

Vijhi veram na kare,

piriyan kaaran paan

Mohabbat khe mahraan,

suki sabh pat thiyo


Achi mil yaar, Mehar
Mun ta kameeni ko na kamaayo, re Allah
Painje saayad ke tu sambhaal
Achi mil yaar, Mehar


Kachcho re muinje karam mein
Kedo do diya re kumhaar?
Achi mil yaar, Mehar


Lud mijaan lud di achaan
Taryo nathi jaana, taar
Achi mil yaar, Mehar


Shartiyun Shah Latif chain
Bhit jo goth Latif chain
Unhi ke chhaal milaan
Achi mil yaar, Mehar

Come Meet Me, Mehar


I thirst for you, beloved!
Save me however I am
You fill my soul inside
You are what I see with my eyes
Oh beloved, I’ve been waiting for ages
To merge into you


It’s a blessing the pot cracked
It was a barrier, a block
My breath resounds to infinite sound
My being becomes a drum
Everything I have is laid
At the feet of the beloved
Union is the prize


Dark night, frail pot, no way to swim
Yet she flung herself in!
She did not wait nor hesitate
The stormy river turned around
Loved turned it into higher ground


Come now and meet me, O Mehar
I, wretched one, earned nothing
Of any worth in this life
You take care of what’s yours
Come meet with me, O Mehar


My own life was full of weakness
So how can I blame the potter?
Come meet with me, O Mehar…


I’m being tossed by these waves
I can’t swim, you must save me
Come meet with me, O Mehar…


Shah Latif says, oh friends
If only I could meet with him
Come meet with me, O Mehar…

Translation: Vipul Rikhi

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